Welcome to the Talk About Privacy study!

TAP is an independent study that explores privacy attitudes and experiences of influential voices in privacy debates. Contact the research team at talkaboutprivacy@umd.edu and follow @tap_study on Twitter for updates!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is behind this research?

The Talk About Privacy study is conducted by an interdisciplinary team of researchers in privacy and survey methodology at the University of Maryland. See the “Research Team” section for more information.

What’s the goal of this research?

The purpose of the Talk About Privacy study is to gain a better understanding of attitudes and experiences related to different aspects of privacy. Ultimately, the project aims to serve as an independent informative tool, capturing major actors in privacy debates, topics covered in these debates, and attitudes towards privacy over time. Its goal is to provide the public, policymakers, academic researchers, and companies with a comprehensive overview of what influential voices and experts in privacy are thinking about current and future issues related to privacy.

Why was I selected for completing the survey?

You were randomly selected among Twitter users who talk about privacy. Based on your tweets, we consider you to be an influential voice in debates and conversations about privacy. Your thoughts and outlook on current and emerging privacy topics will help us identify trends that can be used to inform privacy policy and design.

What will be done with my responses?

Your responses will be analyzed in a confidential and aggregated manner and only for the purpose of this research project. They are stored on GDPR-compliant servers and will not be passed on to other parties. Only researchers directly involved in the research project will have access to your individual responses. Twitter is not associated with this study and will not have access to your responses.

How do I exercise my rights under GDPR?

Please contact talkaboutprivacy@umd.edu if you would like to withdraw your consent and have your data erased.

Can I see the results?

Selected, aggregated data and findings will be published as a report on this website.

Who should I contact with questions about this research?

Please feel free to contact the study coordinators at talkaboutprivacy@umd.edu with any questions.

I want to be more involved in the TAP study. Are there other things I can do?

We are sending direct messages to a sample of Twitter users with an invitation to take a brief survey where you can share your opinions and experiences with digital privacy.  Please check your DMs and see if we have messaged you!

You are welcome to continue to talk about privacy by sharing the study and its results with your network! We gladly welcome your conversations about the @tap_study on Twitter.

Research Team

Frauke Kreuter, Ph.D.
Stanley Presser, Ph.D.
Katie Shilton, Ph.D.
Jessica Vitak, Ph.D.
Brian Kim, Ph.D.
Jesse Klein, Ph.D.